Monde du Chat. Aubonne, Switzerland
2020-2021: Professional training for the Cat Behaviorist profession (non-veterinary)
2021: Course "The human-cat relationship: can ethology help us better understand the mechanisms of this interspecific bond?"
2021-2022: Professional training for the Cat-sitter profession
Educhateur. Quebec, Canada & France
2021: Masterclass "Cat-Cat & Cat-Human aggressions".
2021: Conference "Cat destroys everything"
2022: Masterclass "Inappropriate elimination"
2022: Masterclass "Clini'Cat: Medical or behavioral?"
2023: Masterclass "Low stress contention methods"
Collectif CATUS. France
2021: Annual Cat-Human Relationship Consultants Symposium.
2022: Masterclass "Geriatric cat"
Vox Animae. France
2021: Masterclass "Medical training for cats"
Animautopia. France
2022: Masterclass "Hyper dependence"
Behavior Works. USA
2022: Course "Living & Learning with Animals: The Fundamental Principles and Procedures of Teaching and Learning"